I am different and I am NOT for everybody.  This is a fact that I must live with, embrace, and still say – #YayMe.  We live in a world where diversity and inclusion is a never ending fight.  Instead of embracing our differences and using them as enhancement to perspectives for improvement or added creativity, we’ve made our differences reasons why “I’m right and you’re wrong’” or “I’m better than you”, therefore causing mass division.  It has caused a divide racially, mentally, emotionally, in families and friendships to name a few.

I was created as an individual for a specific purpose and with a completely different call from other people.  Strange how we welcome differences and intentionally create them in every other area of our lives except where it matters the most – in each other.  My outfit can be a different color daily with no issue but one’s skin cannot without issue.  My shoes are different styles and types, gym shoes, dress shoes, flips, slippers, etc., but if one’s style or type looks different from mine, darker, lighter, shorter, taller, skinnier, fatter, vocal, silent, etc., this is looked upon as an issue.  This unacceptance of differences has caused so many unnecessary problems and way too much division in our world.  And, it has also caused emotional and mental challenges leading some to think we’re not good enough, are less important, or don’t measure up thus shying away from being authentically who we are.  On the flip side, it also causes some to think we’re much better than others or more important than we actually are.  Quick story:  A lady and I had a conversation about a job application.  She was applying for a job in a factory, and I was applying for an office position.  She loved factory work but, for some reason, seemed ashamed of it after hearing what I was applying for.  She said “yea, I know I should do better but, I like it”.  I quickly said, if factory is what you like, want to do, and what you do best, then that IS the position you need to be applying for.  All positions, from the basement to the boardroom, are needful and cannot survive without each other.  The basement, aka factory, can make all the parts but without the office, aka boardroom, to sell and administrate them, they’d sit in the plant, produce no money, the company would close, and you’d be out of a job.  And, if the boardroom administrated and sold all the parts without the factory to make them – same thing – they could not deliver on orders, make no money, company would close, and they’d be out of a job as well. Different jobs yet equally as important.

I am important.  I matter.  I Rock.  There is a reason why I was created so I embrace and will be who I am.  I realize that I am not for everybody so changing to try and fit those that I am not for is fruitless and a waste of my authentic self.  I also know everyone is not for me so I will accept their difference, not attempt to prove “I’m right”, and move on.  Our differences are not right or wrong – they are just that – different.  I know that I usually write as “we” but, I want this post personalized as it’s read.  I do not look like you – still, #YayMe.  I do not like the same foods, things, or activities you like – still, #YayMe.  I do not speak or dress like you – still, #YayMe.  My money is not like yours – still, #YayMe.  I did not start or finish at the same time as you – still, #YayMe.  I didn’t…like you, I am not…like you, I won’t…like you – still #YayMe.  Add your own verbiage in the ellipses.  Just because I am not like you, which I’m not supposed to be, does not make anything wrong with me, or with you for that matter.  I was created differently for a reason and my difference is very necessary.  I will no longer shy away from who I am, what I like, or who I was created to be.  I am different yet essential – #YayMe!!


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